Danny Moe - Seminars
From the entry into the great
hall of fame each session, to pausing and reading the SUPERACHIEVERS Motto
over the massive exit doorway as you leave, you will be greatly challenged by
the practical principles practiced by these Hall Of Famers. This expository will
produce tears of laughter, challenge and great hope. Session
# 1 -
The Water Walker
How to walk on your Impossibilities In
this opening session, exciting secrets and truth from the water walking
narrative of Jesus and Peter are shared. From 'the other side' concept to 'how
to walk on your impossibilities', this is a session that will not be soon
forgotten. Session #
2 & 3 - Joseph: The Dreamer...
How to Dream your Impossible Dream Few
stories in the history of the world can equal this story of a young man who
dreamed an impossible dream, prospered in the midst of inconceivable setbacks
and discouragements, and persevered to a dream Session
# 4 & 5 - David: The
Champion of Champions...
How To Be A Great Giant Killer Superachievers
face giants in life. How to conquer your giants and send enemy armies fleeing is
the exciting theme of these two sessions. Session
# 6 - Daniel: The
Lion Tamer...
How To Cope With Lions
was 'the success Story of a Nation'. How he became such a national success and
coped with adversaries and lions is a most intriguing and encouraging story. As
in each session of a superachiever, what is amazing is that life and problems
are still basically the same a few thousand years later. So, if they could
achieve, so can we. Session
# 7 -
Caleb & Joshua: The
How To Claim And Possess Your Land Superachievers
live with an insatiable desire to claim and enjoy all that is rightfully theirs
in life. Superachievers want all that God has for them. Caleb and Joshua teach
us how to claim our lands and march in victory around our Jericho's. In
Closing: The Superachievers Motto closes this most challenging seminar. The
seven sessions can be shared in a Sunday night (one session) to Wednesday night
(2 sessions each night with a refreshment break between sessions) format or on a